The WSC is open for business!

To the members, The WSC is open for business! We highly recommend to wear face masks when in the club and of course social distancing. We recommend that no more than 6 members in the club at one time. 3 in the gun range, 3 in the archery range. Until we get to phase 2 […]

Un-Authorized WSC Usage

To: All members  From: Dick Striano  Date: 5-5-2020 It has come to our attention that members  have continued shooting at the club (guns and bows) despite being told of closure by the state, town and board. This is a serious matter that affects the future of all of us using the club. The club could […]

Status of WSC

From: E-Board To: WSC Membership Good afternoon Club Members, We are following the rules of the State of MA. The club will stay closed until Governor Baker states that it is safe enough to continue with the new normal. After that the President of WSC will authorized the use of the club.  Regards, David Francis […]