Thank you goes out to the following members who generously volunteered their time to make our club a better place.
Thank you Joe Mortland, Joe Scolaro, Jim Walsh, John Waterman, Doug Wilkerson, Alan Whitman, Francis Krause, Maryanne Ivil, Jim Dunn for fixing the range and rebuilding all the target carriers.

Thank you Jim Dunn, Jim Walsh, Sabrina Ivil for installing paper towel dispensers in all the bathrooms.

Thanks to Dan Winters for donating ammo to the Junior Program.

Club Contact Information
In order to expidite solutions to problems members encounter please use the following list to contact the appropriate board member to assist you.

Membership/Dues issues: Maryanne Ivil 781-985-5121
Accounts payableDavid Higbee 339-236-0386
Range problems: Joe Fee 781-724-1512
Building maintenance: James Walsh 781-686-2097
Building cleanliness: ( toilets, cleaning supplies etc. ): Devin Ivil 781-985-5121, Joe Walsh, 781-686-2097
Training and hall rentals: Dick Striano 781-264-2884
Computer issues: John Duff 617-750-9875
Archery range issues: James Walsh 781-686-2097
Junior Program: Al McCarthy 781-925-2290, Joe Scolaro 781-706-4183
Rifle Program: Denise Fisher 781-953-0580
Joad Program: Dave Griffith
Alarm system issues/Building security: Dave Francis 617-328-1645
Lockers: Maryanne Ivil 781-985-5121
Newsletter/Website/Key cards: Mary Langenthal 781-340-6627

To all new instructors wishing to join and train at WSC
All instructors using the club for training will be required to volunteer as part of being allowed to train in the club. The most logical place to volunteer is the junior program, however, building maintenance, range maintenance/clean up (emptly lead etc.), grounds maintenance will be considered. All instructors must also attend a training seminar to learn club rules and polcies to train. Beginning this Fall all instructors will be required to sign up for specific volunteering. This is the only way people will be allowed to train at WSC. Thanks for your cooperation. The board feels this is necessary to keep our club running smoothly.  If you have any questions, call Dick Striano 781 749 7271 (cell 781 264 2884) or email me Sign up sheets will be provided along with space for a board member to sign you off as completed.

Security cameras now installed
Our new state of the art camera security system has been installed and is now monitoring the entire club inside and out. This is to ensure the security and protection of all our members. The new system includes remote access which allow members of the board to view what is happening at the club 24/7.

The Junior Program
The Junior program has ended for the year. The group meets every Wednesday night 6:30 to 8:00 p.m except during school vacations and snow days. The program will start up again in the fall. Anyone interested in attending can just stop by on a Wednesday night.

Contact Joe Scolaro 781-706-4183 or Al McCarthy 781-925-2290 with any questions.

Junior Rifle Advanced Program
The Junior Rifle Advanced Program meets Friday Evenings from 6:45-8:15pm during the Fall and into the Spring except during school vacations and on snow days. To qualify for the program the students must take a basic rifle training class. This course teaches firearm safety and the fundamentals of competitive smallbore shooting.

The club has several very active Junior development programs with complete instructions for all juniors from 12-18 years of age (discuss with coach if younger). Juniors can train and become competitive in smallbore rifle.

Participants will be charged for the one time class material and $5.00 per session. This money will help cover the cost of ammunition. We will be trying to apply for a grant from the Friends of the NRA to help fund this program and by future items such as spotting scopes, mitts, rifles, shooting jackets, cleaning supplies and miscellanous.

WSC is committed to training young people in the safe and proper handling of firearms. Parents are welcome to take part in helping with this rewarding program and for those students who want to compete in matches we will be reaching out to other towns and invite them to have friendly matches.

For more info go here…, come to the club on Fridays between 6:45pm and 8:15pm, email instructor Denise Fisher or call her at 781-953-0580.

New guest and training rules posted
Guest procedures appear to be misunderstood. To clarify, only one guest with a member may occupy a range station at a time. Guests cannot shoot in a separate booth without member supervision. You cannot both shoot at the same time in two booths. We recommend that members allow guests to only shoot guns they can handle safely. It seems that 22s are a good choice for inexperienced shooters. Members are responsible for their guests and we have people monitoring the cameras.

JOAD Archery
Practice sessions are held Tuesday’s from 6:30pm to 8pm. There is a $5.00 fee per person for each lesson. Email David Griffith the program director with questions and to sign up. Come join the fun!

The Junior Program is always looking for volunteers. Please contact Dick if you are interested, 781-749-7271 or send him an email.

Mass certified firearms safety/pistol permit classes and FID classes
Discounted Mass certified pistol permits and FID classes are offered at the club by various instructors. For further info and to sign up call Dick Striano at 781-264-2884 or email

NRA Recruiter – Discounted NRA membership!
Renew your NRA membership or join the NRA and save $10. The club will also receive a recruitment commission. Contact Maryanne at 781-985-5121 and renew at the club.

Get your gear and support the club!
WSC has sweat shirts, jackets, golf shirts, t-shirts and caps for sale with the club logo. There are also WSC lanyards and patches. Contact the club manager or catch up with a member of the executive board on Wednesday evenings or at the general meeting if you would like purchase any of these items.

Pricing: Jackets $55, Golf shirts $25, T-shirts $15, Caps $10, Lanyards $4, Patches $5

New Member Orientations
New member applicants are required to attend an orientation meeting in order to obtain key card access to the club and the range. All potential new members must sign up and attend the session. Orientation is held monthly on the first Tuesday of each month following the general meeting at 8 p.m. Choose a date then email with your name and the date of orientation you will be attending. Please note: your application must be completed and submitted at least two weeks prior to the date of new member orientation or you will need to sign up for the following month.

B.S.A. Venture Crew 73
The B.S.A. Venture Crew meets regularly at the Weymouth Sportsmen’s Club. Our crew is a group of Boys and girls ages 14-20. Call Maryanne for information 781-985-5121.

If a member knows of a special event or is offering a course and would like it listed on the website calendar just send an email. If you would like to include something in the monthly newsletter such as new activities, upcoming programs or local events that may interest other members, send an email and it will be posted it in the next newsletter

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