The Junior Program
The program has ended for the 2010-2011 season. There is no junior program during the summer. See you in September!

Volunteer Assessment Fee
There was much discussion at the general meeting, on May 3, regarding the $25 volunteer assessment fee. A notice was recently sent out in error requesting the annual assessment fee in lieu of volunteering time to the club. If you received a letter please disregard. We will be asking for the assessment fee at a later date. If you have not been able to volunteer any time by then we will send you a notice. More information about this will be forthcoming.

Front Door Fee
All members should have received a one time assessment fee request of $20 for the new front door which was recently installed. If you received more than one mailing please disregard. If you paid an additional $20 please get in touch with Glenn Murray for a refund or you may deduct it off of your dues for next year.

Pistol Permits
Dick Striano is working on setting up a meeting with the second amendment group, Comm2A, for gun owners who have been having problems with obtaining a gun license. More info to follow. Info will also be posted at the club.

Over the past year it has become apparent that many of our members, living in certain towns, have been denied unrestricted LTC. If you feel this situation applies to you, or you have had any other problems relative to pistol permits, please leave your name and phone number on the list posted on the current event board just inside the front door of the club or send an email to

Instructors Course
Dick Striano will be offering an NRA rifle, shot gun and home firearm safety class for instructors. Date has not yet been determined. If you are interested in signing up email Dick.

New Member Orientation
New member applicants are required to attend an orientation meeting in order to obtain key card access to the club and the range. All potential new members must sign up for and attend the session which is held one night a month on a Wednesday evening at 7pm. See the calendar for dates. Send an email to with your name and the date of orientation you will be attending. Please note: Your application must be completed and submitted at least one week prior to date of new member orientation meeting you will be attending or you will need to sign up for the following month. No exceptions. More information about joining the club can be found here.

If a member knows of a special event or is offering a course and would like it listed on the website calendar just send me an email. If you would like to include something in the monthly newsletter such as new activities, upcoming programs or local events that may interest other members, send an email by the 5th day of the month and it will be posted it in the monthly newsletter.

NRA RecruiterDon’t forget, we have our own “NRA Recruiter”. Renew your NRA membership or join the NRA for a discounted rate and the club will receive a recruitment commission. Renew or join today and get your $10 discount!

Get your gear and support the club!
Al Fruzzetti has sweat shirts, jackets, golf shirts, t-shirts and caps for sale with the club logo. There are also WSC lanyards and patches. Call Al at 781-337-3440 or catch up with him at the general meeting if you would like purchase any of these items.

Jackets $55, Golf shirts $25, T-shirts $15, Caps $10, Lanyards $4, Patches $5

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