General Meeting Schedule Changed
Club meetings for members will now be held twice per year in October and May instead of monthly. The next general club meeting will be May 3rd at 8 P.M. Refreshments will be served. All members are encouraged to attend. The executive board will continue to meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 P.M. Any important information/changes will be sent out in the monthly newsletter.

Membership Drive Continues
Our Fall/Winter membership drive has been successful! We have over 40 new members. Our membership is currently just under 300. See membership for information.

If anyone has a lock on a locker without having paid the $25 donation please remove it immediately or it will be removed at the end of the month.

New Member Orientation
All potential new members must sign up for and attend a new member orientation session which will be held one night a month on a Wednesday evening at 7pm. The date for the next orientation is March 23 at 7pm. Please send an email to with your name and date of orientation you will be attending. Other dates are posted on the calendar. Your application must be completed and submitted at least one week prior to date of new member orientation or you will need to sign up for the following month. No exceptions. New member applicants are required to attend an orientation in order to obtain key card access to the club and the range. More information about joining the club can be found here.

NEW Instructor Procedures for Range and Club UseBecause of the growing number of certified instructors we feel we need some guidelines to keep things running smoothly.

Also, email your request to If you need a particular space, email in advance for approval. You may contact Dick Striano by phone 781-749-7271, cell 781-264-2884.

Pistol Permits
Over the past year it has become apparent that many of our members, living in certain towns, have been denied unrestricted LTC. If you feel this situation applies to you, or you have had any other problems relative to pistol permits, please leave your name and phone number on the list posted on the current event board just inside the front door of the club or send an email to

If a member knows of a special event or is offering a course and would like it listed on the website calendar just send me an email. If you would like to include something in the monthly newsletter such as new activities, upcoming programs or local events that may interest other members, send an email by the 5th day of the month and it will be posted it in the monthly newsletter.

Guest Policy
Several members have reported observing the guest policy not being adhered to. If a member brings a guest to the club to shoot and they enjoy shooting at WSC then encourage them to join:)

Please review Guest Rules:

  1. All guests must wear guest vest when in the range
  2. All members key cards must be visible  when in range or on club property
  3. Only one firearm allowed per station
  4. Only one station used between member and guest

Members are responsible for the activities of their guests. Violation of any club rules may result in the revocation of club membership. Any questions may be directed to a range officer or executive board member.

An outdoor archery range is in the works. It will be behind the club building. It’s in the planning stages at the present time. The cost should be less than $800 because of member volunteers. More info to come. Please note that the archery range safety rules have been added to the website.

Range Rules
If a member observes someone who is not abiding by the rules please make note of the date and time and report it to a member of the board or email A member of the board will check the surveillance films and address the issue.

NRA RecruiterWe have our own “NRA Recruiter”. Renew your NRA membership or join the NRA for a discounted rate and the club will receive a recruitment commission. Renew or join today and get your $10 discount!

Get your gear and support the club!
Al Fruzzetti has sweat shirts, jackets, golf shirts, t-shirts and caps for sale with the club logo. There are also WSC lanyards and patches. Call Al at 781-337-3440 or catch up with him at the general meeting if you would like purchase any of these items.

Jackets $55, Golf shirts $25, T-shirts $15, Caps $10, Lanyards $4, Patches $5

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