The next meeting will be on January 4th at 8 P.M. The E-Board meets at 7 P.M..

The front door is now complete and functional. Thanks to our members and their donation for this purpose.

Many thank to Al Fruzzetti and his daughter for the gift of chairs for the lower hall meeting room.

The Junior program meets the 1st three Wednesdays at 6: 30 P.M. For instruction in the safe handling of handguns and rifles. Instruction is also provided in archery where all equipment is provided.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”

The club recognizes president Ron Hildago for his tireless efforts to gain membership for the club. He manages some members every week. The payoff is last week when he brought in 10 new members. He is also the proprietor of Sportsmen’ Den in Quincy, a gun store with fishing equipment and bait.

Wine does not make you FAT…    it makes you LEAN…(Against tables, chairs, floors, walls and ugly people.)

Dick Striano will be conducting instruction again for basic pistol, instructors, etc..

Any and all help on Wednesday evenings, will be very helpful with the junior program. Come watch the kids have fun. They are our future members to keep our sport alive and well.

If you turn up the thermostats when you are in the building, please take moment to turn them back before you leave. This will help lower the fuel bill and also not heat an empty building.

Use your own lock to secure the locker. Either mail a check to the club with the locker number enclosed, or place it in an envelope and drop it into the box located at the entrance door to the lower meeting hall.

Please Note:
To be fair to everyone, if we do not have a record of who is occupying the locker, by January 1st of each year, the lock will need to be cut off and a club lock will secure the locker until nonpayment is resolved.

If you have any problems, call a board member or leave a message at the club 781-335-9223.

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