Club closed

To: All members of WSC Date: 20 March, 2020 WSC will be closed as of today 3-20-20 until further notice. Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Very sorry for the inconvenience has caused you. As soon as the State of MA has given the all clear, the club will be open immediately.  Thank you E-Board RESPONSE […]

Pistol Training

From: E-Board To: All WSC Members Please be aware  that there will be no pistol training at the club. It is temporarily suspended until further notice.  The Pistol Range will be open for practice purposes only. Just be aware of “Social Distancing” Wipe off your area that you have occupied during your practice session.  The […]

Dues Alert

Good morning WSC Members, All dues that have not been paid – pay them now by 20 March 2020. After the 20th of March fobs will be shut off for members who have not paid. In an abundance of caution with the current Coronavirus, please wipe down all surface areas with disinfectant wipes.  Regards, David […]